Wednesday, May 30, 2018

We went to a castle!! Liechtenstein castle, it was built between 1130 and 1135 and underwent a massive remodel between 1880 and 1900. Interesting blend of styles. Here are pictures.
Another Movie! Thanks, Google!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

We visited Mauthausen, the site of a concentration camp during World War II. On August 8, 1938, five months after Austria was "annexed" by the Nazis the first inmates arrived at the camp. Between 1938 and 1945 190,000 people were sent here. At least 10,000 were murdered in the gas chamber. At least 90,000 people died at the camp.

I have never been so moved. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak. I couldn't take pictures of anything other than the things that have grown there - in this sacred earth. The signs of life that have appeared at the site of so much death.

How can human beings do those things to other human beings? We must never forget that, as a species, we are capable of atrocities - lest we repeat ourselves.

When you spend your days with two teenagers you learn things. I now know how to use SnapChat. That is all.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Horses wear little hats to cover their ears. We are told it is to keep out bugs. Who knew???

More pix! Google Pictures keeps making me movies, so I will keep posting them!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Music Everywhere

There is music everywhere. This was in the subway.
Having succeeded in creating embed codes, here's another. It's the art. This is the stuff that made me cry.
Google made a movie for me. Let's see if the embed code works.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

I Got To See A Monet!!!

I got to see a Monet, live and in person. I've never had a piece of art make me cry......until today.